for Jesus and Mary

Prayers for Conclave, Cardinal Electors, Revealing 3rd Fatima Secret

“Let us pray most urgently for Benedict and for the
Cardinal-electors of our next pontiff.”
by Fr. Jim Anderson, M.S.A.

U.S. Catholic bishops are joined by Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson in urging Catholics worldwide to pray daily for Pope-emeritus Benedict, for the Church, and for each of the Cardinal-electors who will soon choose our next pope, and to encourage their friends and families to do the same.  The Knights’ Supreme Chaplain, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, has proposed this prayer:

"O Lord Jesus Christ, Supreme Pastor of your Church,
we thank you for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI
and the selfless care with which he has led us
as Successor of Peter and your Vicar on earth.
Good Shepherd, who founded your Church
on the rock of Peter's faith
and have never left your flock untended,
look with love upon us now,
and sustain your Church in faith, hope and charity.
Grant, Lord Jesus, in your boundless love for us,
a new pope for your Church
who will please you by his holiness
and lead us faithfully to you,
who are the same yesterday, today and forever.

We can be certain that Lucifer and his minions are already working to frustrate the success of this crucial conclave.  Our responsibility and our great opportunity as Catholics is to pray daily that Our Lord Jesus empower his holy angels to bind Lucifer’s angels and the occultists who join with them and to fail their efforts against this conclave.

On 13 October 1884 Pope Leo XIII had just finished celebrating holy mass when he fell into a mystical state and heard Satan boast to Jesus that he could destroy his Church if Jesus would give him power for 100 years over all those who would serve him.  Jesus agreed!  

Leo became pale with concern and wrote a strong prayer invoking God's protection of his Church through Archangel Michael and his heavenly cohort. This prayer, modified in 1930, was said by all the faithful after low mass throughout the Church until 1971:

Prayer of Pope Leo XIII to Restrain  
Satan’s Attacks on Christ’s Church
“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.  Amen.”

As our Cardinal-electors prayerfully
 consider who will be the next pontiff to lead Christ’s Mystical Body in this increasingly clear conflict with Lucifer’s dark minions, the Church must fully employ her spiritual weapons to motivate, inspire and protect our Cardinal-electors.  Let us together and individually cleanse ourselves with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, frequently attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Eucharist, and pray the Holy Rosary to obtain the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that the Holy Spirit inspire each Cardinal-elector.  Let us call upon the great Heavenly Host to motivate and protect each Cardinal-elector from Lucifer and from the wiles and attacks of his dark minions by regularly praying Our Mother’s Rosary and the prayer of Pope Leo XIII that God restrain them.  Let us pray that our holy Queen Mother Mary and Prince Michael Archangel send legions of angels to guide and protect every Cardinal-elector from the wiles, snares, threats and intimidations of the Devil and those men and women who have given themselves to him.

 Fatima, the Third Part of the Secret,
      and the Consecration of Russia
             to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

At Fatima, Portugal on 13 July 1917 our Blessed Mother told Lucia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto that hell exists to punish poor sinners, and that war and other tribulations are punishments for sin, including the present war (WW I) and a more terrible coming war (WW II).  She told them that to save sinners and prevent wars and other tribulations Heaven wills to establish devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the Earth.  She also told them that to prevent such loss of souls and the coming tribulations she would come at a later time to ask that the Holy Father in Rome, with his bishops, solemnly consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart and lead the Church in First Saturday devotions of reparation for sins committed against her Immaculate Heart.

After the foretold deaths of her younger cousins, Jesus with the Blessed Mother came to Lucia, then a nun of the sisters of Saint Dorothy in Tuy, Spain on 13 June 1929 and told her that now is the time for the Holy Father with his bishops to solemnly consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to lead the Church in the First Saturday devotions of reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  This was done through Lucia's spiritual director and through her bishop.  But Pope Pius XI was incredulous and refused to obey.  Jesus came to Lucia at Rainjo, Spain in 1931 and sadly lamented that they do not want to do what I asked.  They will, he said, but late.  They will suffer the same consequences as the King of France.  In June of 1689 Jesus had told Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque to request that King Louis XIV consecrate his throne and France to Jesus' Sacred Heart.  Nothing was done and 100 years later his grandson Louis XVI was arrested and guillotined. Subsequently no pontiff has solemnly consecrated Russia with his bishops, nor led the Church in the First Saturday reparatory devotions.  The Blessed Mother has promised that when the Holy Father, with his bishops, solemnly consecrates Russia to her Immaculate Heart, then she will convert Russia and that Russia will lead the world to accept Jesus, and a period of world peace will be granted.

The first two parts of the Blessed Mother's messages for the world given through the shepherds of Fatima were that hell exists as punishment for poor sinners, that war and other tribulations are punishments for sin, and that to save sinners and prevent wars and further tribulations heaven wished to establish devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on earth, including the solemn consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Holy Father with his bishops, and the first Saturday devotions of reparation for sin.  These were revealed by sister Lucia and written in her memoirs.  The third part was kept secret at the order of the Blessed Mother, to be revealed when the Bishop of Fatima thought it opportune, but not later than 1960.  Sister Lucia wrote in her Fourth Memoir a partial sentence that is thought by scholars to be the first sentence of the third part of message that the Blessed Mother asked to be kept secret: "In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc."  Scholars presume that Lucia could not bring herself to finish that sentence because of the Blessed Mothers command of silence, and possibly because of its terrible content.  Because of Lucia's poor health and in response to her bishops order she finally wrote out the secret on a sheet of paper and placed it in an envelope which she gave to her bishop.  He chose not to read it and sent it to the Archbishop of Lisbon. Presumably the archbishop of Lisbon would have opened the envelope, read and revealed the secret in 1960, but officials in the Vatican ordered that it be transferred to them in 1957.  In 1960 John XXIII chose not to reveal its contents. Finally, in 2000 John Paul II chose to reveal the secret third part of the message of the Blessed Mother to the shepherds of Fatima.

The then Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, orchestrated the manner of this revelation.  On 26 June 2000 the Vatican published a document written by Sodano as Vatican Secretary of State, with then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as head of the Congregation for the Faith and then Bishop Tarciscio Bertone as its secretary, titled The Message of Fatima.  It included four pages handwritten by Sister Lucia, probably in 1943-1944, which described a vision shown to all three seers on 13 July 1917 that this Vatican document claimed to be the entire third part of the message of Fatima that had been kept secret until then.  Sister Lucia there describes a bishop dressed in white leading a procession of clerics and lay persons through a ruined city strewn with corpses up a hill toward a cross under which stood two angels.  When they reach the top of the hill uniformed soldiers shoot and kill all of them with guns and bows and arrows. Then the angels scoop up their blood and sprinkle it on their souls seen rising to heaven.  Bertone, now himself Vatican Secretary of State, has maintained that this vision is the entire third part of the message of Fatima kept secret until then.  Noted Italian journalist Antonio Socci wrote in his The Fourth Secret of Fatima that after researching the matter he was forced by the facts to surrender to the conclusion that there exists an explanation of the vision by the Blessed Mother to the seers that has not been revealed, as Mother Angelica commented on EWTN after the Vatican's document was released.  Socci concurs with noted Fatima scholars such as Fr. Joaquin Alonso, C.M.F. in his The Secret of Fatima: Fact and Legend, and Fatima scholar Christopher Ferrara in his The Secret Still Hidden that the Blessed Mother did explain that vision and her explanation begins with the words "In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc." written by Lucia in her Fourth Memoir.  The Vatican's The Message of Fatima  refers to that sentence but provides no explanation of it.  All of these points can be reviewed in these pages in "From Fatima to Russia" under the heading "Communist Tribulation," and within a broader context in "The Vatican's the Message of Fatima: the Sodano Intervention" under the heading "Home."

Given that the whole Message of Fatima is from the Queen of Heaven to guide the Church and the world to salvation and the peace of Jesus Christ, is it not crucial that the Cardinal-electors know the still secret third part to empower them to choose the holy pontiff whose first priority will be to implement this plan from heaven?  Fortunately facts exist that tell us much about the contents of the Third Part of the Message of Fatima still being kept secret.  In 1952 Pope Pius XII sent Fr. J. Schweigl to question Lucia about the Third Part of the Message.   Fr. Schweigl gave this reply to media questions: “I cannot reveal anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning the Third Secret, but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope; the other logically (although I must say nothing) would have to be the continuation of the words: “In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved” (Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite, The Whole Truth about Fatima, Vol. III, p. 74).  As we have seen Fr. Alonso and many Fatima scholars believe that the words Lucia wrote in her Fourth Memoir just after relating the first and second Parts of the Secret are the beginning of the Virgin’s spoken explanation of the vision that she had just shown them.  It is clear that the Blessed Mother’s words:  In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved imply that nations other than Portugal will suffer a crisis of faith, but that Portugal will preserve its faith, and that this crisis of faith is part of the missing Third Part of the Secret.  

This implication was confirmed by John Paul II in a homily given at Fatima on 13 May 1982 during a visit to commemorate the anniversary of the first vision in 1917 and to thank the Virgin for saving his life when he was shot in Saint Peter’s Square the preceding year.  In obvious reference to Christ’s having from his cross made Mary to be mother of the whole Church in the person of St. John, he continued: "In the light of a mother's love we understand the whole message of the Lady of Fatima. The greatest obstacle to man's journey towards God is sin, perseverance in sin, and, finally, denial of God.... Can the Mother who with all the force of the love that she fosters in the Holy Spirit desires everyone's salvation keep silence on what undermines the very bases of their salvation? No, she cannot." John Paul here states unequivocally that "the whole message of the Lady of Fatima" concerns "what undermines the very bases of salvation."  Then John Paul specifically states that the message of Fatima warns that societies are being menaced by apostasy, morale degradation and their collapse: "The message is addressed to every human being. The love of the Savior’s Mother reaches every place touched by the work of salvation. Her care extends to every individual of our time, and to all the societies nations and peoples. Societies menaced by apostasy, threatened by moral degradation. The collapse of morality involves the collapse of societies" (L'Osservatore Romano, 17 May 1982).   

Clearly the description of the vision shown to the seers on 13 July 1917 and written down by Lucia on the four sheets of paper presented in the Vatican’s publication The Message of Fatima concerns the pope, and is the first part of the Third Secret referred to by Fr. Schweigl, Pius XII’s representative.  But that vision does not depict or suggest the apostasy, moral degradation and moral collapse that John Paul II asserts is part of the whole message of Fatima.  Neither are apostasy, moral degradation and moral collapse part of the First and Second parts of the Secret.  It logically follows that they are contained within what Fr. Schweigl refers to as the second part of the Third Secret that logically would have to be the continuation of the words: “In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved, etc.” And according to Fr. Alonso that is accepted by all Fatima experts as the first sentence of the missing Third Part of the Secret that Lucia finally wrote down on “a” sheet of paper between December 25, 1943 and January 9, 1944 and placed into an envelope for Bishop Gurza.  It is clear that the Blessed Mother was warning the seers and the Church about a future apostasy in the Church and moral degradation and moral collapse in society.  It would not serve any purpose to speculate here as to why this second part of what Fr. Schweigl refers to as the Third Secret of Fatima is being withheld.  Yet it is clearly significant.  

The Cardinal-electors who will choose the next Vicar of Christ, our pontiff, must know what our Queen Mother Mary has told the Fatima seers regarding the Church in our time that made such a profound impact on John Paul II.  The whole Church must unite in praying the Holy Mass, the Holy Rosary, and Pope Leo XIII's prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, that each Cardinal-elector receive the Most Holy Spirit with his seven gifts, and that our Queen Mother Mary with Prince Michael Archangel dispatch legions of angels to protect them from pressure, threats or any intimidation.  Let us also pray that the Cardinal-electors demand that those tasked with serving the Church by managing the Conclave produce and reveal to them the full and complete Third Part of the Message of Fatima.  Let us further pray that the Cardinal-electors, being so informed, motivated, inspired and protected will choose the one most able to lead the Church through the challenges that God will allow to give him glory during this final conflict with Lucifer's rebellious Kingdom of Darkness.

N.B. Monsignor John Esseff of the Diocese of Scranton is a respected spiritual director of numerous clergy, religious and lay persons, including Mother Teresa of Calcutta.  He has given retreats to her convents world-wide for decades.  He, himself, was directed by Saint Padre Pio for several years.  For several years a chosen soul under his direction has received locutions, or prophetic words from heaven.  Recently the subject of these prophesies has been broadened to apply to the whole Church in these end times.  Because of their relevance to the resignation of our pontiff-emeritus and the coming conclave the following website is provided to those who may wish to read these prophesies:  
