for Jesus and Mary

Jesus to His Vicar Call Out Evil Leaders and Idle Shepherds



Mary, Mother, and last hope 
for our Church and all mankind

In the early 1930s Jesus told Saint Faustina Kowalska in Poland that his Divine Mercy is the last hope for a sinful world; that those who would not turn to his mercy would instead receive his justice.  Why would Jesus say this so bluntly then?  An answer might be found in the refusal of Pope Pius XI to order his bishops to join him in solemnly consecrating the country of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested by Jesus and Mary through Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima in 1929, or to lead the Church in 1st Saturday devotions of reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Heaven promised that Mary would convert Russia and lead Russia to convert the world if those two actions were taken by Jesus’ Vicar on earth, the Holy Father.  If not, then Russia would be used by heaven to punish the world for its sins by spreading errors and fomenting wars throughout the world.

In 1943, during the darkest days of WWII, Jesus told the mystic Maria Valtorta in Italy that fully two-thirds of the people then living would be lost, and that the world then was morally worse than at the time of Noah, and was more blameworthy than at the time of the flood because the men of Noah’s time had not had the prophets to warn them.  But the men of our times have had not only the prophets and the law, but Jesus, the incarnate Son of God, Himself, and his holy Roman Catholic Church for 2,000 years, and yet they have become worse than at the time of the flood.  Jesus told Valtorta that because of such great sins piled upon sins, God would destroy the people of the earth immediately, except for the tears and pleading of His Mother Mary for His Mercy for us.

    Reasons why Jesus’ Mother would be heard so effectively on our behalf are clear to those who humbly ask that the Holy Spirit open their minds and hearts to the intimate relation between Jesus and Mary, as Jesus opened the minds and hearts of the disciples on the road to Emmaus on Easter Sunday and explained to them all the scriptures that referred to him.  “And it came to pass, as he sat at table with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to them.  And their eyes were opened and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight." (Luke 24:30-31)  As Mary, herself, explained to the Italian Mystic, the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, in her The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, it was God’s will that Mary be conceived without sin and filled with the Holy Spirit.  Her heart accepted, her mind understood and her will consented immediately as she was able, perfectly fulfilling our Fathers intention in creating her and giving the Holy Trinity such joy in her, their little daughter, that from her first FIAT the Divine Will operated unimpeded in her so that God would not be resisted in the slightest degree, and, in effect, called the Divine Word into her womb, already a temple of the Holy Spirit, then become her Spouse.

Flesh of Mary’s flesh, blood of her blood and nourished at her breast, Jesus and Mary knew and understood each other so intimately that she could support her Son, the Man-God, in every trial up to and including his passion and crucifixion.  In making Mary our Blessed Mother Jesus charged her to continue to love, nourish and support his Mystical Body, the Church, for all time.  Living perfectly within the Divine Will, the Adorable will of the Blessed Trinity, itself, operated unimpeded within Mary's very being, so that in her pleading for Divine Mercy for us, divine Justice was stayed by God's own Adorable Will operating within the person of the Blessed Mother.  One can see the simple beauty of our Father’s loving plan to defeat Satan’s hateful design to tear us from God’s heart by seducing us to join his rebellion.  But instead of our being damned to an eternity with/under Satan in justice for our sins, even after 2,000 years of Christianity, Jesus responds to His Father's own Adorable Will operating in Mary’s tearful pleading for us by offering to the many who will believe, repent and ask,....his Mercy!

What is one to think of those Catholic authors whom Chris Ferrara calls out in his
False Friends of Fatima, and this writer in “The Vatican’s the Message of Fatima: the Sodano Intervention,” ( for reducing the message of Fatima to “a call to conversion of heart, repentance from sin, and prayer, especially the Rosary."?  Conversion, repentence, and prayer are of course precious gems in Mary's crown as our heavenly Queen Mother.  But these have been known throughout the history of the Church. And the power of the Holy Rosary has been known at least since a vastly superior invading Moslem fleet was defeated at the Battle of Leponto on 7 October 1571 as Pius V led the Church in praying the Holy Rosary for victory.  Nor did Heaven need to send the Blessed Mother to Fatima six times from 13 May to 13 October in 1917 to teach us of them, or to perform the great Miracle of the Sun witnessed by over 70,000 people on 13  October merely to emphasize their importance.  Rather, she was sent by Heaven to deliver the most important prophetic message of our time that presented Heaven's plan to save sinners from Hell and to secure a period of peace for a world already steeped in sin and deserving chastisement.  

After briefly showing three shepherd children the reality of Hell for poor sinners, she explained that the war then being waged in Europe was a punishment for sin (the First Part of the Message of Fatima).  She said that to save sinners from hell and to prevent future wars and other punishments, Heaven wished to establish devotion to her Immaculate Heart in the world; that at a future time she would come with a message they were to give to the Holy Father in Rome that he should lead his bishops in solemnly consecrating Russia to her Immaculate Heart, and lead the Church in 1st Saturday devotions in reparation for sins committed against her Immaculate Heart.  She promised that if this were done that she would convert Russia and Heaven would grant a period of peace to the world.  If not, then a most terrible war would begin during the pontificate of Pius XI and Russia would spread errors and foment wars throughout the world (the Second Part of the Message).  

After the death of the two younger children, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, both Jesus and Mary appeared to their older cousin, Lucia dos Santos, then a Dorothean nun, in her convent in Tuy, Spain, in 1929 and told her that it was then time for her to give Heaven's message to the Holy Father.  Through her bishop and her spiritual director this message was delivered to Pius XI.  The Holy Father did nothing, and is reported to have replied that such an important message, if from God, would have been revealed to him as Christ's Vicar.  Such response was confirmed by Jesus' subsequent appearance to Lucia in Rainjo, Spain in 1931 when he very sadly told her that: "They do not want to do what I have asked.  They will repent and do it, but late.  And they will pay the same price as the kings of France."  Recall that Louis XIV was asked through St. Margaret Mary to consecrate his throne and France to Jesus' Sacred Heart.  Nothing was done and 100 years later Louis XVI was beheaded by the Paris mob.  

WWII came as prophesied and still Russia was not solemly consecrated, nor was the Church led in 1st Saturday reparatory devotions, although Pius XII did consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart and did write a letter to Russian expatriots in Rome consecrating Russia, but not solemnly with his bishops as asked at Fatima. Pope John XXIII not only did not even attempt to consecrate Russia or lead the Church in 1st Saturday Devotions of Reparation, he refused to reveal a 3rd part of the Message of Fatima that had been revealed to the visionaries and written on a single sheet of paper by Sister Lucia.  It seems clear to this writer that given the importance of these heavenly requests and the unprecedented authentication both of the messages and of the veracity and reliability of the seer chosen by God to deliver them, by the undeniably supernatural miracle of the Sun on 13 October 1917, that failure to comply is in danger of constituting a sin against the Holy Spirit with consequent loss of the supernatural graces needed to guide the Church and the world through the most grave spiritual perils of the nearly 100 years since Sister Lucia was told to inform Pope Pius XI of Heaven's request.  Readers are referred to the excellent study of this by Antonio Socci in his celebrated The Fourth Secret of Fatima, and to Brother Michael of the Blessed Trinity's well researched series: The Whole Truth About Fatima, I, II, III.  Many facts and arguments in support of this conclusion are given in my two talks at the Divine Will Conference at Orlando, FL in 2012 and can be viewed at: // 

Which side are these false friends on?  Seriously!

The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Two Hearts that beat as one!

Of course Mary’s messages include calls to conversion, repentance, prayer, and especially the Rosary.  But its power lies in the predilection of God for the Immaculate Heart of Mary because of,
inter alia, the reasons given above and in the referenced works.  She is the woman in Genesis Chapter 3 who crushes the head of Satan and is the Ark of the New Covenant in Rev. Chapters 11 and 12.  Heaven’s direct orders to his Vicar are to solemnly consecrate with his bishops the country of Russia to her Immaculate Heart and to lead the Church in 1st Saturday devotions of reparation for sins committed against Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Let us continue to pray and petition the Holy Father to do these simple acts. And let us continue to pray for our families and friends and for our homes for Divine Mercy and for mitigation of the certain tribulation that is even now at our front door...!  Unless and until the Holy Father, Christ's Vicar, passes the baton to the Blessed Mother, no diplomatic conference, no United Nations intervention, nor even liturgical events like World Youth Days or Ecumenical Prayers for Peace will stay the hands of God's angels who are even now ready to continue to use Russia to punish the world.  At Fatima in 1917 the Blessed Mother said that either the Holy Father follows Heaven's Plan for Peace, or God would use Russia to punish the world. Contrary to the constant mantra of the False Friends of Fatima, we are now clearly in the OR, and so we must turn to sack cloth and ashes and plead for Divine Mercy and mitigation, even while we continue to pray for the Holy Father's obedience to our Queen Mother.  

70,000 people witness the supernatural "Miracle of the Sun."
Mid-day, 13 October 1917

Jesus revealed to the Italian mystic, Maria Valtorta, detailed visions of the Gospel from the birth of his Holy Mother to her Assumption, collected in five volumes: The Poem of the Man-God, or The Gospel as Revealed to Me.  An imprimatur was granted by Bishop Roman Danylak in Rome in 1998 for all the approved English translations.  It is claimed that Pius XII was given copies of The Poem in 1947, kept them for 11 months and on 26 February 1948 declared in the presence of Frs. Romualdo Migliorini, Corrado Berti and Andrea Checchin: "Publish this work as it is. There is no need to give an opinion about its origin, whether it be extraordinary or not. Who reads it, will understand…” (, and, both accessed 26 July 2013;).  I have read all volumes of The Poem carefully and vol. V twice and consider them spiritually enriching.  Valtorta’s Notebooks of conversations with Jesus and Mary are treasures, especially her Notebooks 1943 that includes much about end times and the proximate coming of Antichrist, and Notebooks 1944 that includes visions of the martyrdoms of many early Roman Christians.  They all are described and can be obtained from:

Italian visionary, Maria Valtorta

     On 9 December 1943, during the darkest hours of World War II, Jesus gave a long instruction for His Holiness, Pope Pius XII.  The Lord told Pius directly that those responsible for the war were instruments of Satan and precursors of Antichrist.  Jesus did not call them out by name.  Rather he described them by their actions.  Pope Pius, while approving of Valtorta's "Poem," was not willing to follow this advice.  He was courageous and creative in helping many Jews escape the Nazis, especially within the City of Rome. But one can only speculate that much of the sorry history of the last century might have been different if Pius had called out all those Jesus described for the evil they were doing.

Eugenio Pacelli , Pope Pius XII

More to the point for us today, we must pray the leaders of the Church will follow Jesus' advice to his Vicar in 1943 and call out those among the power elite that today direct national and world events in the same way and worse than that Jesus described to Pius XII on 9 December 1943. 


Jose Maria Bergolio, Pope Francis

December 9, 1943
Zechariah 11:4, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17

Jesus says:
"Never as in this moment must I repeat to the one who represents Me, ‘Feed my lambs!’
"Many of them have become wild. But it is not entirely their fault, and for this reason they arouse pity in Me.
"I had entrusted them to the powerful so that they would take care of them. I had already given so much to the powerful so that they would not want even more and be good to those subject to them, who are not linked to the powerful except by God's mandate. In reality, they are God's flock, God's children, and they should be cared for with respect and consideration of the true King - the Eternal - whose people they are.
"They have instead used them like a herd without an owner. They have pushed them where ever they wanted to; they have nourished them with whatever food occurred to them, just to becloud their thinking and make them forget Good by corrupting them with doctrines which I curse; they have turned them into their slaves who are denied even freedom of thought, and they have shoved them like sheep to the slaughter for the sake of their criminal purposes regarding all Mankind. All. The part which is 'Country' to them and the part which is the 'Country of others.’  They have enriched themselves by exploiting the sacrifice of their subjects, thieves of the goods of God and man, which are the Soul and Existence, assassins of the former and of the latter.
"Well then, from the height of the Heavens, because of all the absinthe being given as food to the masses and leading them to despair even of God, because of all the hunger the bodies and souls of my children are suffering from, and for the sake of those who in this ruin remained the lambs of God's flock - and no passion changes them into rebels against God, like their seducers and Masters, children of Evil and forerunners of the Antichrist - I am coming with my Word and my Love to feed the poor of my flock, and I repeat to you, who are my Vicar:
"Feed my sheep by giving them the tireless word and the blessings with which I have filled your innocent hand, which knows no blood except my Blood, which you elevate on the altar as a right of propitiation, and no gesture except that which was my own in blessing those on whom you have mercy, as I do.
"I have placed two rods in your hand, and you are  dear to Me because you used the rod of love. But love, which exercises power even on the Power of God, falls like pebbles hurled against rock when it is directed towards some who resemble men, but are demons with a heart of granite. Strike, then, with the other rod, and may the faithful know that you are not an accomplice to the sins of the great. One also becomes an accomplice when one does not dare to thunder against their foul deeds. Your Master is not fond of curses and thunderbolts. But there are moments when it is necessary to know how to use them to convince not the powerful, whose souls, possessed by Satan, are incapable of being convinced, but the poor of the world that God and God's just ones do not approve or support the methods and acts of overbearance of those who have overstepped all bounds and think they are gods, when they are just unclean beasts.
"Speak in the name of the Justice you represent. It is time to. And may the masses know that my Doctrine has not changed and that there is one Law, there is one God alone, and his first commandment is love, and He, as in the ages and ages preceding my coming, in which I confirmed the Law, gives the order not to steal, not to fornicate, not to kill, and not to take the belongings of others. Say so to the current thieves, who are not content with a purse, but steal souls from God and lands from peoples; say to the fornicators, the great fornicators at present, whose fornication is not the bestial kind with a female, but the demoniacal kind with political power; say to the killers at present, who arrogate to themselves the right to kill whole peoples after having killed in other peoples - their own - faith in God, honesty of any kind, and love for good; say so to the insatiable at present, who as avid as jackals, assault wherever what they like is to be found and render all crimes licit for themselves provided they can take what is not theirs.
"To speak means 'pain' and sometimes 'death.' But remember Me. I am more precious than 'joy' and 'life,' for I give whoever is faithful to Me a joy and a life which have no end or limit. Remember Me, who was able to purify my House of filthiness and pursue a single goal straightforwardly: 'the glory of my Father.' That earned Me hatred, revenge, and death, for those stricken by my fury found a corrupt individual who for 30 pieces of silver handed me over to their power.
"We always have – and among the most trusted – an enemy, a corrupt man. But it doesn't matter. The disciple is not greater than his Master, and if I, knowing that the lash of my words, more than the lash of cords - more a symbolic means than a real one - was bringing Me death, spoke, speak yourself. And if I, out of love for men and love for you, endured an enemy and a corrupt man and the horror of a kiss of betrayal, you, the first among my children at present, must not drawback at the face of what your Master suffered before you.
"For if, afterwards, in spite of every means, Justice should perish and both the dominators and the dominated, carried away increasingly by Satan, should, out of malefic mimicry, detached themselves more and more from God, I will then remove Light and Truth. And this shall occur when even in my dwelling - the Church - there are too many who, out of human self-interest and unworthy weakness, are among those dominated by the sowers of Evil in their different doctrines. You shall then know the shepherd who does not take care of the abandoned sheep, the idle shepherd Zechariah speaks about.
"Remember John's Apocalypse. Remember the Dragon: the Evil One begetting the future Antichrist, who prepares the former's kingdom not only by unsettling consciences, but by sweeping away a third of the stars in his coils and turning the stars into mire. When this demoniacal vintage takes place in Christ's Court, among the leading figures in his Church, in the light reduced to a bare glimmer and preserved as the only lamp in the hearts of Christ's faithful - for the Light cannot die, I have promised, and the Church, even in periods of horror, will preserve just that amount needed to become radiance again after the trial - the idle shepherd shall come, who shall be and shall remain where his masters will.
"Let whoever has ears to understand understand. For those alive at that time death will be a blessing.

How different the tragic history of the last century would have been, had Pius XI obeyed Heaven’s order delivered by Sister Lucia dos Santos in 1929 to solemnly consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and lead the Church in 1st Saturday devotions in reparation for sin; and had Pope Pius XII obeyed Jesus’ order delivered by Maria Valtorta in 1943 to call out the evil national and world leaders whom Jesus identified by naming their deeds.  Yet in the Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary a plentitude of mercy remains even now…!  We must continue to pray that Pope Francis will at last obey and then receive the supernatural “Light and Truth” needed to guide the Church and the world to the true Peace of Christ, and for mitigation of the tribulation that will otherwise certainly come soon.